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The Taking Of SpookyFresh part 1

Graduation is over, and SpookyFresh was rearranging his bunker up when he heard a noise at the door. WTF next thing SpookyFresh knew his door blew in. What, hell u all going to pay for that. Replies Spooky. The men grabbed Spooky and took him to a remote location. This was just the beginning of the hell the terrorists will have paid for taking SpookyFresh.
On the way to the location, SpookyFresh toyed with the terrorists by pretty much describing over a thousand ways to describe grains of sand, this went on for an hr. I spy with my little eye something small gritty and brown, Spooky stated. SpookyFresh pretty much drove his kidnappers nuts on the drive there alone. Man I am bored Spooky said, are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet, are we there yet are we there yet? No no and no. Someone gag him. One of the terrorists said, I am going nuts here and we are not even at the base yet.
Mean while back at the base Lt Leg was on his way to the mess hall when he noticed Spooky's bunker had been raided and SpookyFresh was nowhere to be found. Lt. Leg reported to cpt.'s Marine, and Wolf. Well Marine says there is a good side to this. What is that. Lt. Leg asked. He will single handedly force them to surrender in very soon time. Give it some time and I will bet my hunch is right. Leg get extraction team ready we leave at 0600.

The Taking Of SpookyFresh part 2

Little did the resume team know, just who they were going to have to resue from who. But, they were going to find out soon. The terrorists managed to make it to their hide out, but not without Spooky driving them out of their minds. Spooky was rattling on at the mouth. Then there was the time I walked in on my parents, in the middle of the funky monkey, I mean can u imagine the horror my mind went through when I saw that. Hey man don't u ever shut up, one of the terrorists said to SpookyFresh. Mmmmmz, no? Boss did, well u sure we have the right guy. No, you baffoons. But he will do. Awwwww ur a good guy, u want one of my apples, SpookyFresh reaches in to grab him an apple, but in turn gives him the gag grenade Apple. kablouie, oops wrong Apple. Oh crap I guess I grabbed the wrong Apple. Damn you you imbecile Why by the time I get to you, you're going to regret what you did to me. Time went on spooky fresh decided he had a new angle. Spooky was going to totally annoy the heck out of these guys for blowing up his bunker door. What did you think you were going to up my bunker door and get away with it oh hell no. By the time I get done with you guys you're going to wish you never grabbed me.
As the day went on SpookyFresh, got more and more clever with every waking hour. I wonder if I mix these two chemicals together while they are gone what it will do. Well SpookyFresh, found out what they did really shortly. His kidnappers returned to grab a red can. The very Red can that SpookyFresh mixed the chemicals in. SpookyFresh thought to himself how funny this was going to be. The can grabbed was going to be used as a bonfire fuel. That fuel was not bonfire fuel. As matter a fact, it had the same chemical engineering and compound as jet fuel. Shit what a bang they are going to get out of this one. The boss lit the match and well the bonfire was seen from miles away.
Did you see that Marine, the pilot Tiber replied. Heading for it now. Tiber Leg and Marine looked at each other and the first words out of their mouth was SPOOKY. Holy shit talk about a mushroom cloud marker. Before the chopper reached the extraction zone, they seen 5 men running with a white flag over their head, Yelling help us help us please. Col. Tiber, should we pick em up. Tiber replied yes, tho they been through enough already, I need to question them. The chopper swung low. Helo whiskey 1 to base we are just at birds eye view of XZ. We will be 5 prisoners hvy possibly 6 and 1 cpl. SpookyFresh. Roger that HW1 clear for extraction.
When the team arrive to terrorist Outpost, SpookyFresh, already managed to get himself free. There was at least one terrorist sitting in a corner rocking back and forth. Spooky was in the meantime roasting weenies and marshmallows waiting on the team to get there.
To think spooky fresh never gave me a chance to demand Ransom. One day was spooky actually not even one day and they were already ready to surrender imagine that. Spooky single-handedly managed to take out the entire group of terrorist that kidnapped him. Plus signaled the team inadvertently for extraction.
We have found out what the terrorists wanted to do. In that the same time their leader or boss went to a mental institution, it would appear That's spooky pretty much drove him insane.

Bloodshot 125 over and out stay tuned for the next zany episodes of the spooky fresh stories in HoL.

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